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April 16 Slideshow: Osprey Nest on Main Road east of Middle Farms Flats

The osprey were first spotted on the nest at the beginning of April and courtship followed. During this time, one could see both ospreys on the nest as demonstrated in the photos from this April 16 slideshow. Shortly after that, eggs were laid and the female began to take the responsibility for incubation, which can last anywhere from 36-42 days. The male will take over during times that the female leaves to feed. We anticipate that the eggs will hatch around memorial day or early June at the latest.

Osprey Breeding

“The return of both birds to a nest appears to be a function of territorial fidelity more than pair bonding.  The arrival of the female is followed by a period of courtship that can last for up to three weeks.  During courting the pair spends time on the nest together, as well as mate-feeding and copulating. Soon after the female’s arrival, the male starts to bring all of her food.  The female may take the food to a perch to eat, returning after her meal with material to line the nest.  Copulation may take place after the mate feeding ritual and is often preceded by a mating display by the male, female or both.  The female’s display posture has slightly drooped wings, horizontal body and tail pointed up and to one side.  The male might turn his back to the female, and spread his wings out and down with tail depressed.” ~ newyorkwild.org

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