HLFM Pocket Trail Guide
The 2019 Pocket Guidebook details 10 different nature trails maintained within the 350 acres of open space protected by the Museum’s Land Trust.
The 2019 Pocket Guidebook details 10 different nature trails maintained within the 350 acres of open space protected by the Museum’s Land Trust.
The H.L. Ferguson Museum is closed until further notice. Due to the threat posed by Covid-19 to our community, the H.L. Ferguson Museum will remain closed to the public until further notice. The Museum will, however, present a full schedule of programming to the community throughout the 2020 season. Beginning in June, its lectures, exhibitions
Please join us in providing a warm welcome for Connor Jones.
An illustrated lecture by HLFM Director Pierce Rafferty.
Sunday, February 16
Time: 4 p.m.
Place: Museum, 2nd Floor.
This list of migratory and year-round bird species was compiled from data provided by our island bird watchers, led by Ken Edwards, and from seasonal bird counts conducted by the Fishers Island Conservancy and the Audubon Society.
The FISM Coordinator is responsible for providing organizational, management and administrative support to advance the FISM Coalition’s seagrass conservation and community engagement activities. Resume submission Deadline: Friday, December 20th, 2019.
Friday, November 29 from 2 – 4 p.m. All trail blazers are invited immediately thereafter to a post-clearing party to enjoy drinks and oysters. Thanks to Fishers Island Oyster Farm, Summer Shuckers and Bottlerocket for their generous repeated sponsorship.
The creation of and care for many of the walking trails on Fishers Island began as an individual volunteer effort spearheaded by seasonal resident Matty Matthiessen starting in the 1960s. What began as a labor of love and appreciation from a handful of dedicated supporters expanded into an annual tradition shared by many.
Led by birder and naturalist Maggie Jones
SATURDAY, September 28, 2019
Time: 8:15 a.m. at the Museum
or 8:30 at the Airport Parking Lot
Bring binocs!
If you couldn’t make the workshop in August but want to contribute to the iNaturalist Biodiversity project on Fishers, I encourage you to download the iNaturalist app and find out more about the Fishers Island Biodiversity Project.