Named in honor of a man who devoted his entire life to the civic and business affairs of Fishers Island.
The mission of The Henry L. Ferguson Museum is the collection, preservation and exhibition of items of Prehistory, History and Natural History of Fishers Island and, through its Land Trust, the preservation in perpetuity of undeveloped property in its natural state. It is organized for the education and enjoyment of the Island’s community and visitors and for the protection of habitat for the Island’s flora and fauna.

Museum Programs & Activities
In addition to maintaining its extensive collections, the H.L. Ferguson Museum offers annual exhibits, talks, children’s programs and nature trails.
The Museum open its doors each summer with regular visiting hours beginning June.
For special appointments before June 26th and after Labor Day, please contact Pierce Rafferty, HLFM Director, at the Museum’s landline, 631-788-7239, or [email protected].
The Sketchbooks of Charlie Ferguson
The 2023 Annual Exhibitions are on display at the museum through mid June and the main exhibit can be viewed virtually on this website.
Illustrated Talks
The weekly Sunday lecture series begins each summer in July with additional talks scheduled throughout the year.
Children’s Programs at the Museum
The Museum partners with local educators from the Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center and the Children’s Museum of Southeastern Connecticut to offer family program for ages 5 and up. Through hands-on science based activities, children learn about the natural environment on Fishers Island.

Treasure Pond Trail in Charles B. Ferguson Wildlife Sanctuary.
HLFM Nature Trails
Thursdays in July and August nature walks are led by board member Terry McNamara, an educator with decades of experience teaching science and the natural sciences at the high school level. Trail Guides are available for islanders who wish to take self-guided hikes.
Meet Our Board President & Our Staff
Working together to support the mission of the Museum.

Elizabeth McCance
As a descendant of Henry Ferguson, I have deep roots to Fishers Island and proud to be a part of educating the community and preserving the Land Trust. The Museum reminds us all of our rich history and many natural assets.

Pierce Rafferty
Museum Director
My passion is history and Fishers Island has plenty of it. Being more than slightly obsessive, much of my time at and away from work is spent focusing on ferreting out and revealing new facets of Fishers Island’s history. For example, the day I stumbled upon documents chronicling the New York State legislature’s attempts to buy Fishers Island and move Sing Sing prison here from “up the river” in Ossining was my definition of a perfect day.

Mary Linda Strunk
Administrative Assistant
I’m a life-long resident of Fishers Island and a graduate of the Fishers Island School. I worked for the Island’s Post Office for 37 years, 28 of those as Post Master. Even though I’ve lived on the island my whole life, working at the Museum has been an eye opening experience and has taught me a great many things about our history that I just didn’t know.

Jack Schneider
Land Trust Stewardship Coordinator
I have been inspired by nature since childhood and studied zoology and ecology in college and graduate school. My goal is to engage people with nature and foster an understanding of the natural history of Fishers Island, and the unique lands conserved by the Museum.

Hannah Vagts
F.I. Seagrass Management Coordinator
My research experience in marine biodiversity will support my work to develop awareness building initiatives for the Fishers Island Seagrass Management (FISM) Coalition Plan.