10. Middle Farms Pond Trail loops to the Rec Path between Middle Farms grassland and Chocomount Trail. The trail crosses undulating terrain. And, as is with most trails through FI woodlands and thickets, a variety of flora and fauna may be observed throughout the seasons.

In spring, Red maples of different ages are among the first trees to add color to the landscape with their red buds and flowers. These early flowers offer pollen and nectar that attract tiny insects which are in turn eaten by birds. Look and listen for tiny Golden-crowned kinglets from late fall through early spring, when they depart for northern forests. Ruby-throated hummingbird, American restart, and Blue- Gray gnatcatcher nest here from May-August, along with many other migrants. Trees, shrubs, and flowering perennials support bumblebees and other native insect pollinators. Canada mayflower carpets the leaf litter with its tiny green leaves and short spikes of subtly fragrant white flowers. This common native ground cover- aka ‘wild Lily of the Valley’ appears as a ground cover throughout the Island’s forested natural areas but dies back in summer after it fruits.

In mid-spring, look for starflower and, in late summer, Blue -stemmed goldenrod and Woodland aster. Black cherry, Highbush blueberry, Green briar and Virginia creeper thrive where a grove of mostly dead Black locust trees have created sunny openings. The trail ascends a steep slope, offering glimpses of Middle Farms Pond in winter.

Surrounding thickets offer prime habitat for catbird, Yellow warbler, Warbling vireo, and Common yellowthroat. At the trail’s end, one may loop back on level ground along the Rec Path, continue on to other trails at Middle Farms grassland or connect to the Trails at Chocomount and Treasure Pond.