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In this virtual illustrated talk, Museum Director Pierce Rafferty hosts the premier of Fishers Island Ferries Over Time, a video that traces the history of ferry transportation to the island.

Included are rare outlier visits by excursion steamboats in the 1820s and 1830s, followed by the first regularly scheduled trips to Fishers by the Pequot & Ocean Transit Company that began in the late 1870s. This production chronicles an array of passenger and auto ferries that have connected us to the outside world ever since that time. Without a doubt, the ferries are the stars of this historical production.

Co-directed by Pierce Rafferty and Marisela LaGrave. Funded by the Dunlap Foundation, Benjamin H. Gray and Lewis Gatch, Trustees.

Sunday, May 16, 2021.

Time: 4 p.m.


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