
Annual Exhibition 2020 Now Open

By |2022-06-24T09:37:28-04:00June 27th, 2020|Exhibitions, News|

ANNUAL EXHIBITION 2020 The Coastal Forts of Eastern Long Island Sound: Abandonment, Ruination and Repurposing This year’s exhibition examines the current state of the fort properties that stretch across the Sound from Napatree Point, R.I., to Gardiners Point Island, N.Y. Looking beyond the visually compelling crumbling facades of gun pits,

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2020 Annual Exhibition: The Coastal Forts of Eastern Long Island Sound

By |2023-01-14T20:35:54-05:00June 21st, 2020|Exhibitions, News, Virtual Exhibit|

ANNUAL EXHIBITION 2020 The Coastal Forts of Eastern Long Island Sound: Abandonment, Ruination and Repurposing The 2020 exhibition examines the current state of the fort properties that stretch across the Sound from Napatree Point, R.I., to Gardiners Point Island, N.Y. Looking beyond the visually compelling crumbling facades of gun pits,

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A Beautiful New Tree Graces the Front of the HLFM

By |2020-06-03T12:19:27-04:00June 3rd, 2020|Gifts, News|

On April 8, 2020, a crew from Race Rock Garden Company replaced a diseased Sugar Maple with an American Sweet Gum (Liquidambar styraciflua) that was generously donated by John and Libby Winthrop of Charleston, South Carolina. We are looking forward to a proper ceremony honoring the donors and our new tree when such

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COVID-19 Notice

By |2023-01-14T20:38:37-05:00May 16th, 2020|News|

Due to the threat posed by Covid-19 to our island community, the H.L. Ferguson Museum will remain closed to the public until further notice. The Land Trust trail system throughout the island, which is maintained by the Museum, is currently open for visitors in accordance with new guidelines. (See below for more details.) For the

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Two Osprey Eggs on Middle Farms Nest

By |2020-06-27T10:36:50-04:00May 6th, 2020|News, Osprey Blog 2020, WebCam|

Two osprey eggs were spotted on the Middle Farms nest during the early morning of May 6, 2020! Thanks to Dick Marshall for sending the first screen capture! Additional screen captures were taking later in the day.

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Male Woodcock Wooing with Every Dance Step

By |2020-04-14T19:02:08-04:00April 5th, 2020|News|

Spring is time for the Woodcock Mating Ritual. This male is wooing the woodcock ladies and will, if all turns out well, later engage in a spectacular “sky dance” with one of them. This video was captured by Claudia Desimone April 4th, 2020, 1:50 pm, on dirt road between Chippy’s house and East End Main

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Pool Party for Spring Peepers

By |2021-03-13T18:08:02-05:00April 2nd, 2020|Natural History, Nature Notes, News|

Pool Party for Spring Peepers Museum April 2020 Spring Peeper The wonders of nature never cease, and in our current circumstances time spent focusing on the natural world provides a welcome relief from the news. Spring has arrived and with it comes the nighttime sound that heralds the change in seasons: the

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F.I. Sketchbook 2005


In the full sweep of Fishers Island’s history, there is no artist more synonymous, more closely associated with Fishers Island than Charles B. “Charlie” Ferguson. The main show features images from two of Charlie's sketchbooks which functioned as illustrated diaries that were filled with daily activities, nature observations, personal notes, and lots of art—drawings, sketches, and watercolors—in various states of completion.

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