Charlie Tracking May 18 ~ Charlie spent the early morning mostly near the nest at the west end transfer station, except for one brief trip to Baker Cove and Groton and back to Fishers Island.


Charlie Tracking May 18

Charlie Tracking May 18

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Early AM Trip to Baker Cove

Early AM Trip to Baker Cove


Charlie spent the rest of the morning and all afternoon making trips around the west end and visited the nest in-between. In the early evening, he made another trip off-island to Baker Cove, then returned to the Hay Harbor area. He visited the nest one more time mid-evening, then headed to Hay Harbor for the night.


Mid Day on the West End of Fishers Island

Mid Day on the West End of Fishers Island

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Evening Trip to Baker Cove and Return to West End

Evening Trip to Baker Cove and Return to West End


Charlie Tracking May 19 ~ Charlie spent the early morning between Hay Harbor and the nest.


Charlie Tracking May 19

Charlie Tracking May 19

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Early AM On Island

Early AM On Island


Mid morning, Charlie headed north off-island to Baker Cove in Groton, then continued north to the Thames River just above the Gold Star Bridge. He returned to Fishers Island in the early afternoon and for the rest of the day, remained between the nest and Hay Harbor areas.


Mid Day on the Mainland

Mid Day on the Mainland

[one_half last]

Afternoon and Night Back on Island

Afternoon and Night Back on Island
