Animal Rehabilitation Stories

FAMILY PROGRAM Discover the interesting and important work wildlife rehabilitators do to help injured animals!

Rock Cycle Ruckus

Henry L. Ferguson Museum 1109 Equestrian Ave, Fishers Island, NY, United States

FAMILY PROGRAM Rocks are amazing! Learn about the cycle they go through as they turn from sedimentary to metamorphic to igneous and back again by playing games and seeing lots of awesome rock samples!

The 12th Annual HLFM Holiday Party

Henry L. Ferguson Museum 1109 Equestrian Ave, Fishers Island, NY, United States

Join us for an evening of Holiday cheer, convivial conversations, and tasty light fare by Karla Heath. Adults and children of all ages are welcome, as are visiting relatives and house guests!

Creature Camouflage Colors

Henry L. Ferguson Museum 1109 Equestrian Ave, Fishers Island, NY, United States

Meet live animals and learn how they use unique colors and patterns to camouflage for survival.

Bird’s Eye View

Henry L. Ferguson Museum 1109 Equestrian Ave, Fishers Island, NY, United States

FAMILY PROGRAM Meet live birds and explore the ways bird vision differs from humans. Encounter one of DPNC’s resident birds of prey and make a bird feeder to attract colorful birds to your own home!

Awesome Amphibians

Henry L. Ferguson Museum 1109 Equestrian Ave, Fishers Island, NY, United States

Learn what amphibians are, meet live frogs, and find out why amphibians are so important to the environment.

Food Chain Connections

Henry L. Ferguson Museum 1109 Equestrian Ave, Fishers Island, NY, United States

Learn about energy flow in an ecosystem and how all living things are interconnected. Meet live animals and explore predator-prey relationships that exist in the wild and play a fun food chain game.

Innovative Animal Adaptations

Henry L. Ferguson Museum 1109 Equestrian Ave, Fishers Island, NY, United States

Explore hands-on activities to replicate some of the incredible adaptations that animals have perfected over millions of years. Meet DPNC ambassador animals and observe their innovative adaptations!

FIND 2025

Henry L. Ferguson Museum 1109 Equestrian Ave, Fishers Island, NY, United States

A Week (5 DAYS) of Learning Programs from August 11-15 for young Island naturalists ages 5 to 10. The cost per participant is $400 for the week. To promote group cohesion and learning, we encourage all participants to attend all five sessions.

Summer at the Pond

Meet the Nature Center’s frog, turtle and insect residents and learn how these animals are enjoying the muddy water.

Owl Prowl

Henry L. Ferguson Museum 1109 Equestrian Ave, Fishers Island, NY, United States

Meet a live owl in an up-close encounter! Touch owl artifacts and create an owl craft to take home.

Inspect an Insect

Henry L. Ferguson Museum 1109 Equestrian Ave, Fishers Island, NY, United States

Gain an appreciation for the diversity of insects as we examine insect specimens, meet a live insect and use nets to see what insects are living outside of the museum!