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H.L. Ferguson Museum invites you to a
with birder and naturalist Maggie Jones

Saturday, October 2nd, 2021
Time: 8:30 a.m.
Location: Museum Parking Lot

We will carpool from the museum to the Airport, where Maggie will lead our guided walk around 8:45 am.

Please dress for the weather and don’t forget your binoculars! Length of walk is one hour to one hour and half. Participant numbers are limited so please RSVP by emailing Pierce Rafferty at fimuseum@fishersisland.net, or by calling the Museum: (631) 788-7239. Your RSVP will be confirmed by Pierce. Please remember to social distance and masks are suggested.

A Penni Sharp Nature Walk is sponsored each year in loving memory of Penelope “Penni” Sharp, birder, botanist & HLFM president from 2003 until 2014.

In 2020 a group of 15 masked and distanced bird watchers got a perfect day for migrating hawks and songbirds (and a few Monarch butterflies and dragonflies) – Northwest winds following a front. Photograph by Pierce Rafferty

Though the osprey is the most often sighted hawk on our list,
we will look for resident and migratory raptors including:

Turkey Vulture
Bald Eagle
Golden Eagle
Northern Harrier
Northern Goshawk
Cooper’s Hawk
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Broad-winged Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
Rough-legged Hawk
Peregrine Falcon
American Kestrel

In addition to hawks, we will keep an eye out for migratory songbirds and all aspects of nature on this morning exploration, including late-blooming wildflowers, butterflies, mushrooms, and early fall foliage and fruits.

For more information on recent sightings at Race Point or if you are curious about bird observations anywhere on the island, please visit the eBird.org platform.

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