Barley Field Cove, Fishers Island, NY. Photo courtesy of

Barley Field Cove, Fishers Island, NY. Photo courtesy of

An illustrated lecture by Chris Pickerell, Interim Marine Program Director and Habitat Restoration Specialist at the Cornell Cooperative Extension Marine Program, Riverhead, Long Island.

Sunday, August 4th. Time: 4 p.m. Place: Union Chapel.

Fishers Island is one of the last remaining places where Eelgrass (Zostera marina) thrives in New York waters.  Once found in every harbor, creek and cove on the East Coast, this critically important species is now only found in cool, clear and often wave-swept waters like those surrounding Fishers Island. 

Come learn about what makes our waters unique and the research that has taken place here to help us better understand how we can restore this species in other parts of New York and Connecticut. Mr. Pickerell will review the basic biology, history, current status and restoration methods for eelgrass. In addition, recent underwater photos will be used to highlight the various growth habits for this species from different sites around Fishers Island and the important species of fish and invertebrates that use these areas. After this talk we should come away with a new-found appreciation for this little-known and often misunderstood species.

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