This illustrated talk by Museum Director Pierce Rafferty surveys the past, examines the present, and looks to the future of this integral component of our island community.
An Illustrated talk by Kim Hargrave, Education Director Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center. Learn the natural history of our local hawk species and their current conservation status in New York, Connecticut and on Fishers Island.
An Illustrated talk by Author Mark Borton, who will reveal the full story that is documented in his new book Moondoggle: Franklin Roosevelt and the Fight for Tidal-Electric Power at Passamaquoddy Bay. Reception and book signing to follow.
In the full sweep of Fishers Island’s history, there is no artist more synonymous, more closely associated with Fishers Island than Charles B. “Charlie” Ferguson. The main show features images from two of Charlie's sketchbooks which functioned as illustrated diaries that were filled with daily activities, nature observations, personal notes, and lots of art—drawings, sketches, and watercolors—in various states of completion.