This year’s Annual Exhibition, complemented by two special exhibitions, celebrates the natural history of Fishers Island, primarily through the lens of contemporary photography, with a focus on both habitats and the diverse species that utilize and/or occupy them.
FAMILY PROGRAM. Discover some of the ways birds rely on their feathers for survival, not just for flight. See images of feathers under a microscope, and meet one of our resident birds! In person at Museum. Advance registration and face masks required. Limited to 15 children.
Ornithologist Rob Bierregaard’s illustrated talk focuses on the Barred Owl, the most widespread owl on Fishers Island. Their call is often described as sounding like: “Who cooks for you? Who cooks for you-all?”
FAMILY PROGRAM. Rodents live everywhere and come in all shapes and sizes from tiny field mice to giant beavers. Learn more about the amazing adaptations these ingenious critters have. In person at Museum. Advance registration and face masks required. Limited to 15 children.
Virtual illustrated lecture by acclaimed garden author Page Dickey. She has been gardening passionately since her early twenties, and writing about gardening, as well as designing gardens for others, for the last three decades. She has written eight books and edited another. Most of her books concentrate on aspects of garden design such as creating gardens that reflect their settings.
FAMILY PROGRAM. Awaken to the wonder of the wild in your own backyard! Meet local species and learn how you can help make your yard the perfect habitat for them. Make a seed bomb with native wildflower seeds. In person at Museum. Advance registration and face masks required. Limited to 15 children.
This illustrated talk by Bruce Fellman, environmental photojournalist, naturalist and teacher, focuses on the variety of amazing life within the temporary wetlands known as vernal pools. Virtual Program + In-person (limited to 35 people)
FAMILY PROGRAM. Animals have amazing survival strategies: climbing to incredible heights, digging nests and burrows, and outswimming predators. In person at Museum. Attendee numbers are limited so advance registration is required.
In the full sweep of Fishers Island’s history, there is no artist more synonymous, more closely associated with Fishers Island than Charles B. “Charlie” Ferguson. The main show features images from two of Charlie's sketchbooks which functioned as illustrated diaries that were filled with daily activities, nature observations, personal notes, and lots of art—drawings, sketches, and watercolors—in various states of completion.