Rodents Running Wild

FAMILY PROGRAM. Rodents live everywhere and come in all shapes and sizes from tiny field mice to giant beavers. Learn more about the amazing adaptations these ingenious critters have. In person at Museum. Advance registration and face masks required. Limited to 15 children.

Uprooted: A Gardener Reflects on Beginning Again

Virtual illustrated lecture by acclaimed garden author Page Dickey. She has been gardening passionately since her early twenties, and writing about gardening, as well as designing gardens for others, for the last three decades. She has written eight books and edited another. Most of her books concentrate on aspects of garden design such as creating gardens that reflect their settings.

Backyard Birds and Insects

FAMILY PROGRAM. Awaken to the wonder of the wild in your own backyard! Meet local species and learn how you can help make your yard the perfect habitat for them. Make a seed bomb with native wildflower seeds. In person at Museum. Advance registration and face masks required. Limited to 15 children.

Vernal Pools

This illustrated talk by Bruce Fellman, environmental photojournalist, naturalist and teacher, focuses on the variety of amazing life within the temporary wetlands known as vernal pools. Virtual Program + In-person (limited to 35 people)

FISM Outreach Webinar

The Fishers Island Seagrass Management (FISM) Coalition will be holding its first informational webinar of the summer from 12-1pm July 27th

Got to Get Away!

FAMILY PROGRAM. Animals have amazing survival strategies: climbing to incredible heights, digging nests and burrows, and outswimming predators. In person at Museum. Attendee numbers are limited so advance registration is required.

Bats of Our Region

This VIRTUAL ILLUSTRATED TALK by Kim Hargrave, Education Director of the DPNC, reveals that bats are critical animals to local ecosystems worldwide. An adult program suitable for older, interested children.

Owl Prowl

FAMILY PROGRAM. Come dissect an owl pellet and meet a resident owl. Learn about the life cycles and amazing adaptations of these remarkable birds. In person at Museum. Attendee numbers are limited so advance registration is required.

Common Loon Restoration Efforts in Southern New England

VIRTUAL ILLUSTRATED TALK by Lucas Savoy of the Biodiversity Research Institute (BRI), a non-profit based in Portland, Maine. BRI and their partners have embarked on a multi-year project to restore Common Loons to areas of Southern New England, where loons have been removed from the landscape for more than 100 years.

Tortoise and the Hare

FAMILY PROGRAM. Slow and steady wins the race! Meet a box turtle and a bunny that make their home at DPNC. Learn about the adaptations of these very different animals. Discover whether the fable is really true. In person at Museum. Attendee numbers are limited so advance registration is required.

Rare Species and Natural Communities of Fishers Island

Henry L. Ferguson Museum 1109 Equestrian Ave, Fishers Island, NY, United States

An illustrated talk by Matthew Schlesinger, Chief Zoologist, New York Natural Heritage Program (NYNHP). Matt is leading a team of researchers and scientists conducting a two-year biodiversity survey (2021-2022) of the HLFM‘s Land Trust properties, Matt’s presentation will detail some of their survey techniques and showcase interesting discoveries from the first half of their 2021 field season. This illustrated talk will be both “In-Person” at the Museum and a Virtual Program. Seating is limited for those who wish to attend live.

FIND 2021

Mornings during the week of August 16-20. The Fishers Island Nature Discovery program (FIND) is led by educators from the Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center. Children ages 7 to 11 will discover the Island’s natural history through a combination of hands-on exploration, observation, and interpretation.

iNaturalist Workshop with Murray Fisher

Henry L. Ferguson Museum 1109 Equestrian Ave, Fishers Island, NY, United States

Join Murray Tuesday, August 17 from 2-3 pm for a workshop about how and why biodiversity matters on Fishers Island, and about how you can help the Fishers Island Biodiversity Project by recording and sharing your observations via the iNaturalist app.

FI Seagrass Management Informational Webinar


This presentation will review the Coalition’s activities spanning the past year and encourage community involvement in the drafting of a seagrass management plan for the island. Webinar attendees will learn how they can provide personal comments and input so that the management plan is representative of all users of the island’s coastal waters.

Animal Tails

FAMIlY PROGRAM. Learn about animals like beavers, opossums, squirrels and more. Discover how their super-powered tails help them survive in their specific habitats. In person at Museum. Attendee numbers are limited so advance registration is required.