Renowned ornithologist and author Alan Poole will present an illustrated talk based on his new book about a dazzling bird that is native to the cloud forests of Mexico, and Central and South America.
Museum Director Pierce Rafferty’s illustrated talk chronicles how the history of Fishers Island from the Colonial era to date can be traced through the evolution of a single island structure: the Mansion House.
Dr. Mary Beth Decker, Research Scientist in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Yale, will give an illustrated talk that sheds light one of the ocean’s most mysterious invertebrate animals.
Megan J. Wolff, Ph.D., MPH, Health Policy Director of Beyond Plastics returns to the Museum to discuss what efforts individuals can make to reduce their consumption and exposure to plastics. Co-hosted with Fishers Island Conservancy.
Join us at the FI Theater for a night of entertainment and conservation education with CT filmmaker Jacob Steinberg. Following the screening there will be a Q&A and discussion with the filmmaker.
Filmmaker Jacob Steinberg will present an illustrated talk documenting his current work in progress: a film illustrating the critical importance of menhaden to our fisheries and our development as a nation.
In the full sweep of Fishers Island’s history, there is no artist more synonymous, more closely associated with Fishers Island than Charles B. “Charlie” Ferguson. The main show features images from two of Charlie's sketchbooks which functioned as illustrated diaries that were filled with daily activities, nature observations, personal notes, and lots of art—drawings, sketches, and watercolors—in various states of completion.