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Megan J. Wolff, Ph.D., MPH, Health Policy Director of Beyond Plastics returns to the Museum to discuss what efforts individuals can make to reduce their consumption and exposure to plastics. Even better, she will discuss the exciting legislation pending in New York State to dramatically reduce plastic pollution.

Plastic pollution is a bad neighbor. Michele Klimczak of the Fishers Island Conservancy, along with other organizations and volunteers, works tirelessly to clean up beach litter, but there is always more washing ashore, and plenty more being manufactured and discarded every day. Plastic waste is on track to triple by 2060. As plastic breaks up into microplastics it disperses into the environment. Researchers are finding plastic particles almost everywhere they look, including inside the human body.

What are the impacts of these plastics, and what can we do to stop them?

WHEN: Sunday, August 18, 2024
TIME: 4:00 p.m.
PLACE: At the Museum, 2nd Floor

Co-hosted with Fishers Island Conservancy.

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