
Edwin began his migration south on August 16.

This is early for a male osprey so we will be monitoring his activity closely on a day-to-day basis.



Hamburg Cover, CT River



Edwin starts migration

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Round Valley Reservoir, NJ

Edwin Migration Log

Much of Edwin’s time in July and the first half of August was spent fishing along the Connecticut River in Lyme, and some of the ponds just to the east. (See tracking log: Edwin Loose in the Nutmeg State)

8/16    Spends the morning in the Hamburg Cove area of the CT River, after noon head southwest past New Haven and Fairfield Counties and crosses the border to New York around 3 pm, continues into New Jersey to Hunterdon County and is at Round Valley Reservoir by 6:30 pm to spend the night.

8/17    By 7:30 am Edwin continues south, around 9 am crosses into Pennsylvania, around 1 pm enters Maryland, flies by Washington DC around 4 pm, enters Virginia and is at Ni River Reservoir in Spotsylvania by 6:30 pm for the night.

8/18    MIGRATION DAY 3 ~ Edwin spends the day and another night at Ni River Reservoir in Spotsylvania, Virginia.



Migration Day 2



Ni River Reservoir

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Day 3 – Ni River Res.


8/19    Around 10 am Edwin heads south, crosses over Lake Anna and into Louisa Virginia around 1:30, then into Goochland and by 5:00 pm is on the James River along the northern border of Powhatan, Virginia.

8/20    MIGRATION DAY 5 ~ Powhatan, Virginia to Wake County, North Carolina: Around 9 am Edwin heads south through Amelia, then Nottoway and Lunenburg, around 2:30 pm he crosses into North Carolina through Mecklenburg, then Granville, then crosses through the north corner of Wake by 4:30 pm and into Durham before turning back north slightly just over the border to Wake by 5:30 pm where he spends the night at Falls Lake.


Migration Day 4

Migration Day 4


James River, Virginia

James River, Virginia

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Migration Day 5

Migration Day 5


8/21    Around 9 am Edwin heads south and by 4 pm crosses the border into South Carolina and reaches the Lynches River between Florence and Lee counties by 7:30 pm to spend the night.

8/22    Around 9 am heads south, reaches Jasper county by 4 pm and spends the night.

8/23    MIGRATION DAY 8 ~ By 9:30 am Edwin heads south and crosses into Georgia by 11 am through Savannah, around 8 pm, after passing through Pierce County ends up along the Satilla River in Ware County and spends the night.
(NOTE: The Satilla River has the distinction of being the largest blackwater river located entirely within Georgia. – Google Maps)


Migration Day 6 ~ Aug 21

Migration Day 6 ~ Aug 21


Migration Day 7 ~ Aug 22

Migration Day 7 ~ Aug 22

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Migration Day 8

Migration Day 8 ~ Aug 23


8/24    By 9:30 am heads south and crosses into Florida by 1:30 pm through Baker County and is at Lake Wauburg in Alachua County by 4:30 pm for the night.

8/25    MIGRATION DAY 10 ~ At 9:30 Edwin is on the move again heading south into Polk County and is near Reedy Lake by 9 pm for the night.

8/26    Around 9:30 am, Edwin heads south and reaches Midway Keys by 5 pm.


Migration Day 9

Migration Day 9


Migration Day 10

Migration Day 10 – Aug 25

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Midway Keys, Florida

Midway Keys, Florida


8/27    MIGRATION DAY 12 ~ Edwin goes off the radar (maybe out of cell tower range).

8/28    Around noon Edwin is back on the radar in Villa Clara, Cuba, then heads east to Sancti Spiritus for the night.

8/29    Around noon, Edwin heads east to Ciego De Avila and by 10 pm is further east in Camaguey for the night.

8/30    By 10 am, Edwin is headed east again and reaches the Border of Las Tunas by 7 pm for the night.

8/31    MIGRATION DAY 16 ~ Around 10 am, Edwin heads further east and reaches Granma around 1 pm, then heads south and reaches the Buey Arriba Reservoir in the northern Sierra Maestra Mountains by 4 pm and spends the night.

9/1    Edwin goes off the radar again…

9/2    MIGRATION DAY 18 ~ Around 10 pm Edwin appears back on the radar and is still at the Buey Arriba Reservoir.

9/3    Edwin spends the day and another night at the Buey Arriba Reservoir.

9/4    Edwin spends the day and another night at the Buey Arriba Reservoir.

9/5    Edwin spends the day and another night at the Buey Arriba Reservoir.

9/6    Edwin spends the day and another night at the Buey Arriba Reservoir.

9/7    Edwin spends the day and another night at the Buey Arriba Reservoir.

9/8    Edwin spends the day and another night at the Buey Arriba Reservoir.

9/9    Edwin spends the day and another night at the Buey Arriba Reservoir.

9/10    Edwin spends the day and another night at the Buey Arriba Reservoir.

9/11    Edwin spends the day and another night at the Buey Arriba Reservoir.

9/12    MIGRATION DAY 28 ~ Edwin spends the day and another night at the Buey Arriba Reservoir.


MIG DAY 16 Cuba

MIG DAY 13-16 ~ Cuba



Sierra Maestra Mtns., Cuba

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Buey Arriba Reservoir


9/13    MIGRATION DAY 29 ~ Around 10 am, Edwin heads east into Santiago de Cuba but loops back to the Buey Arriba Reservoir by 4:30 pm

9/14    By 11 am, Edwin heads east again and is in northern Santiago de Cuba around 3 pm

9/15    By 10 am, Edwin heads east into Guantanamo and continues to the far eastern tip of Cuba by 4 pm and continues further south to Nippes, Haiti where he spends the night.

9/16    MIGRATION DAY 32 ~ Around 8:30 am, Edwin heads east to Ouest, Haiti and by noon crosses south into Sud-Est, Haiti and continues further east. Around 3 pm he crosses into Pedernales, Dominican Republic.



MIG. DAY 29 ~ Loop




MIG. DAY 31 ~ Haiti

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MIG DAY 32 ~ Dom. Republic


9/17    MIGRATION DAY 33 ~ Around 8 am, Edwin heads south and around noon, leaves the Dominican Republic and crosses the Caribbean Sea overnight.

9/18    By 10 am, Edwin reaches Colombia and spends the day and night along the Don Diego River in the Santa Marta Mountains in Magdalena. (This majestic mountain range is the tallest seaside mountain system in the world. The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta reaches altitudes of 5,700 meters above sea level. A total of 635 bird species have been recorded in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. ~ Colombia Tourism Official Travel Guide)

9/19    MIGRATION DAY 35 ~ Edwin spends the morning along the Don Diego River, then around 1:30 pm heads east and spends the afternoon and night in La Guajira, Colombia.


MIG DAY 33 ~ Caribbean

MIG DAY 33 ~ Caribbean


Sept. 18 ~ Magdalena

Sept. 18 ~ Magdalena

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MIG DAY 35 ~ La Guajira

MIG DAY 35 ~ La Guajira


9/20    MIGRATION DAY 36 ~ By 11 am, Edwin heads east into Zulia, Venezuela and reaches the coastal mangroves along the northwestern edge of the Maracaibo Basin by 4:30 pm for the night.

9/21    Edwin spends the day and another night in the coastal mangroves in northwestern Venezuela.

9/22    Edwin spends the day and another night in the coastal mangroves in northwestern Venezuela.

9/23    Edwin spends the day and another night in the coastal mangroves in northwestern Venezuela.

9/24    Edwin spends the day and another night in the coastal mangroves in northwestern Venezuela.

9/25    Edwin spends the day and another night in the coastal mangroves in northwestern Venezuela.

9/26    Edwin spends the day and another night in the coastal mangroves in northwestern Venezuela.

9/27    MIGRATION DAY 43 ~ Edwin spends the day and another night in the coastal mangroves in northwestern Venezuela.

The learn more about the Venezuelan mangroves that are visited by Osprey and other migratory birds, visit worldwildlife.org.



Venezuela Mangroves



Sept. 20-27

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Sept 20-27 Mangroves


9/28    MIGRATION DAY 44 ~ Around 1:30 pm, Edwin heads south over Lake Maracaibo but goes out of cell tower range.

9/29    MIGRATION DAY 45 ~ Around 1 pm, Edwin just beyond the southern edge of Lake Maracaibo and is last recorded at 1:35pm in the state of Mérida, Venezuela – at the base of the Cordillera De Mérida Mountains (A northeastern extension of the Andes Mountains).

10/29    NOTE: Edwin has gone out of cell tower range so we are not currently receiving a signal from him and may not again until the spring. Last transmission was in Venezuela near the cities of: Caparazon, Caño Moro, Caño Azul, and Guchizon


Sept 29

Sept 29


Mérida, Venezuela

Mérida, Venezuela

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Last Transmission

Last Transmission
