In Memoriam: Penelope C. Sharp (1938-2014)
All who are associated with the Museum are deeply saddened by the untimely death of our beloved president, Penelope C. Sharp. “Penni,”
All who are associated with the Museum are deeply saddened by the untimely death of our beloved president, Penelope C. Sharp. “Penni,”
The Museum is embarking upon a major project: the completion of our second floor and the addition of a handicap access elevator lift.
Please join us
Tuesday, December 23rd
5:00 – 7:00 pm
Friday, November 28, 2014
2:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Meet at the Museum before proceeding to the Nature Trails
For almost a month now, Charlie has been staying in Maria la Baja, Bolivar, Colombia. He appears to spend most of his days near a lake (Cienaga Maria La Baja) and his nights to the east near Mampujan (just south of Las Mercedes in Genova, Quindio, Colombia). [raw] [one_third] Maria la Baja, Bolivar, Colombia
9/12/14 MIGRATION DAY 1: Charlie spends the his final 2014 early morning on Fishers Island, at the trees on Winthrop, then by 7 a.m., he heads south towards Gardiners Island. He spends from 7:30 - 9:30 a.m. just west and south of Tobaccolot Pond, then continues further south to reach Long Island before 10 a.m.
[slider id="three-chicks-2014"] June 9 Slideshow: Osprey Nest on Main Road east of Middle Farms Flats Now that the chicks are growing it is easier to see all 3 of them as the parents feed. [button link="" color="blue" target="_self" size="medium"]View live web cam[/button]
April the 29th 1746 It is Covenanted and agreed by the Lessor & Lessee that this Lease Shall be & it hereby is Lengthned out one year after the Expiration of the Same
Slideshow of both adult osprey on the nest on May 30, 2014, with the female feeding the chicks as the male looks on.
This video was captured during a recent nest-tending by the osprey. It reveals that there appears to be 2-3 eggs!