Museum News

Charlie Tracking: Nov 4 – Maria la Baja, Colombia

By |2020-04-14T18:25:07-04:00November 5th, 2014|Charlie Blog, Museum News|

For almost a month now, Charlie has been staying in Maria la Baja, Bolivar, Colombia. He appears to spend most of his days near a lake (Cienaga Maria La Baja) and his nights to the east near Mampujan (just south of Las Mercedes in Genova, Quindio, Colombia). [raw] [one_third] Maria la Baja, Bolivar, Colombia

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Charlie Tracking: Sept 12 – MIG DAY 1: New Jersey

By |2020-04-14T18:25:09-04:00September 15th, 2014|Charlie Blog, Museum News|

9/12/14 MIGRATION DAY 1: Charlie spends the his final 2014 early morning on Fishers Island, at the trees on Winthrop, then by 7 a.m., he heads south towards Gardiners Island. He spends from 7:30 - 9:30 a.m. just west and south of Tobaccolot Pond, then continues further south to reach Long Island before 10 a.m.

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Osprey Feeding Three Chicks

By |2020-04-14T18:30:12-04:00June 9th, 2014|Museum News, Osprey Blog|

[slider id="three-chicks-2014"] June 9 Slideshow: Osprey Nest on Main Road east of Middle Farms Flats Now that the chicks are growing it is easier to see all 3 of them as the parents feed. [button link="" color="blue" target="_self" size="medium"]View live web cam[/button]

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F.I. Sketchbook 2005


In the full sweep of Fishers Island’s history, there is no artist more synonymous, more closely associated with Fishers Island than Charles B. “Charlie” Ferguson. The main show features images from two of Charlie's sketchbooks which functioned as illustrated diaries that were filled with daily activities, nature observations, personal notes, and lots of art—drawings, sketches, and watercolors—in various states of completion.

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