Elizabeth McCance


Board of Trustees

Elizabeth McCance, President
Heather Ferguson Burnham, Vice President
Robert J. Miller, Vice President–Land Trust
Scott Reid, Treasurer
Genie McPherson Trevor, Secretary
Elizabeth H. Cook, Honorary

Jim Baker
Marnie Briggs
Cary Brown

Faith Coolidge
Theo Dotson

Jeffrey Edwards
Harry L. Ferguson III
Murray Fisher
Leslie Goss

Steve Malinowski
Mike McNamara
Terry McNamara

Wendy O’Neil
Megan Raymond

Barbie Riegel
Sarah Rose

Museum Staff

Pierce Rafferty

Museum Director


Mary Linda Strunk

Administrative Assistant


Jack Schneider

Land Trust Stewardship Coordinator


Hannah Vagts

F.I. Seagrass Management Coordinator


Past Board Members and Staff

HLFM Board Meeting, Sept. 6, 1981. From center, clockwise: R. Baker, C.B. Ferguson, M. Russell, E.P. Edwards, R.J. Miller, E. Horning and K. Sturtevant.

Museum Board and Staff (1960 to date)

Since its founding more than 50 years ago, the HLFM has been ably guided by its Board of Trustees and managed by its dedicated curators and staff. Their names, titles and dates of service are listed below:

1960 – 1964 William Shirley Fulton
1964 – 1965 H. Lee Ferguson, Jr.
1966 – 1966 (No president)
1967 – 1971 George de F. Lord
1971 – 1978 Henry W. Hobson
1978 – 2003 Charles B. Ferguson
2003 – 2014 Penelope C. Sharp
2014 – Elizabeth McCance

Vice Presidents
1960 – 1965 William D. Campbell
1965 – 1971 Henry W. Hobson
1971 – 1978 Charles B. Ferguson
1978 – 2002 Elizabeth F. Husband
1996 – 2003 Richard S. Baker
2003 – 2014 Elizabeth H. Cook
2003 – 2022 Bagley Reid
2003 – Robert J. Miller – Land Trust
2022 – Heather Ferguson Burnham

1960 – 1970 Lucy J. Ahman
1970 – 1973 Martha M. Ferguson
1973 – 1981 E. Perry Edwards
1982 – 2003 Robert J. Miller
2003 – 2015 John S.W. Spofford
2015 – Scott Reid

1960 – 1970 Lucy J. Ahman
1970 – 1976 Martha M. Ferguson
1976 – 1996 Richard S. Baker
1996 – 2003 Penelope C. Sharp
2003 – 2022 Harry Ferguson III
2022 – Genie McPherson Trevor

Presidents Emeriti
Henry W. Hobson
Charles B. Ferguson

Honorary Board Members
Richard S. Baker
Elizabeth H. Cook
Charles B. Ferguson
Albert H. Gordon
Elizabeth F. Husband
Jean Leuchtenburg
Erard A. “Matty” Matthiessen
Katharine H. Sturtevant

1960 – 1965 H. Lee Ferguson, Jr.
1966 – 1970 Charles B. Ferguson
1970 – 2002 Edwin H. Horning

1963 – 1965 Mrs. H.L. Ferguson
1966 Marnie Ferguson (Briggs)
1967 Unknown
1968 – 1970 Mrs. Louise Bruneau
1971 – 1996 Mrs. Katherine Horning

Administrative Assistants
2014 – Mary Linda Strunk

Assistant Curators
1997 – 2002 Katherine Horning

Museum Coordinators
2003 – 2004 Pierce Rafferty

Museum Directors
2004 – Pierce Rafferty

Members of the Board of Trustees
(1960 to date)
Lucy J. Ahman
Jim Baker
Richard S. Baker
Marnie Briggs
Cary Brown
Barry R. Bryan
Martha F. Buller
Heather Ferguson Burnham
William D. Campbell
Alicia Hesse Cleary
Elizabeth H. Cook
Faith Coolidge
Theo Dotson
E. Perry Edwards
Jeffrey Edwards
Kenneth L. Edwards, Sr.
Alfred L. Ferguson, Sr.
Charles B. Ferguson
H. Lee Ferguson, Jr.
Harry L. Ferguson III
Martha M. Ferguson
Sarah M. “Sally” Ferguson
Murray Fisher
William S. Fulton
Marie L. “Happy” Gaillard
Nathalie “Tats” Yerkes George
Daniel Gordon
Sarah Gordon
Allison Goss
Leslie Goss
Catha Hesse
Henry W. Hobson
Edwin H. Horning
Elizabeth F. Husband
Karen C. Hyland
Richard Jenssen
Shepard Krech III
Jean M. Leuchtenburg
George de F. Lord
Audrey Noyes Ludemann
Steve Malinowski
G. Carey Matthiessen
Elizabeth Matthiessen
Erard Matthiessen
Elizabeth McCance
Terry McNamara
Charles Meyers
Samuel Milbank
Robert J. Miller
Mrs. Cornelius O’Connor
Wendy O’Neil
Thomas Parker
Pierce Rafferty
Megan Bohlen Raymond
Elizabeth Reed
Bagley Reid
Scott Reid
Barbara C. Riegel
Mary Roberts
Sarah Rose
Mary F. Russell
Christopher Sanger
Jeanne Schultz
Penelope C. Sharp
William Sinclair
John S.W. Spofford
Katharine H. Sturtevant
Sarah Tremaine
Virginia Thors
Genie McPherson Trevor
Robert K. White