Jim Baker, Ken Edwards and Todd McCormack completed the 2024 Osprey Count on Fishers Island.

There were 34 fledglings in 15 active nests:
6 had 3
7 had 2
2 had 1

This was the 2nd highest production year, only behind 2020 when we had 42 young. In total, we have 33 nesting platforms on the island, and 10 of those have showed little activity, but 8 others had active osprey activity with no nesting birds.

The first Osprey arrived on island on March 17 and it was sited by the Tombari’s. This was the 2nd earliest siting in the last ten years (the earliest was March 16 in 2020). Several of the nests had very early nesting birds and we estimate in these cases we were a few weeks ahead of the normal timeline.

Thank you to Jim, Todd and Ken for their time and expertise observing, locating and counting all the nests.

PHOTO CREDIT: The Baker nest fledglings. Photograph by Todd McCormack