August 14 ~ After a night on Eight Mile River in Lyme, Edwin spent the early morning between the mouth of Hamburg Cove nearby and North Cove across the Connecticut River in Essex. He then returned deeper into Hamburg Cove and visited Falls Brook along an eastern branch.
During the afternoon Edwin remained mostly near Falls Brook, with a trip back to the mouth of Hamburg Cove, and a couple to the south. On one trip, he may have reached North Cove in Old Saybrook, but that data point received may have been erroneous.
In the evening, Edwin returned to his usual night sport deep in Hamburg Cove along Eight Mile River.
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August 15 ~ Edwin spent much of the morning between the mouth of Hamburg Cove and it’s confluence with the Connecticut River. He then headed east to nearby Falls Brook.
Edwin spent most of the afternoon between Falls Brook and the mouth of Hamburg Cove.
Edwin returned to the mouth of Hamburg Cove and the nearby Connecticut River during the latter part of the day, then headed north to his usual night spot along Eight Mile River.
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AUG 16: MIGRATION DAY 1 ~ Edwin spent the early morning between Hamburg Cove and nearby Connecticut River, then began his migration.
By mid-afternoon, Edwin had reached white Plains New York, then continued south to New Jersey, and just before nightfall, had reached Manasquan Reservoir in Howell, and remained for the night.
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AUG 17: MIGRATION DAY 2 ~ After an early morning at the Manasquan Reservoir, in Howell, New Jersey, Edwin continued his migration. Mid-day, he crossed the Delaware River, and by mid-evening had reached the Chesapeake Bay. He settled for the night at Cape St. Claire, Annapolis, Maryland.
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