August 10 ~ Early in the morning, Edwin headed southeast of his night spot along Eight Mile River in Lyme, Connecticut. He remained along nearby Falls Brook for most of the morning and early afternoon – with one trip closer to the mouth of Hamburg Cove and the Connecticut River.
In the late afternoon, Edwin visited the nearby mouth of Hamburg Cove again and returned to Falls Brook for the evening. By nightfall, he had moved back to his usual night spot along Eight Mile River.
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August 11 ~ Edwin visited the mouth of Hamburg Cove early in the morning, then headed to Falls Brook for the rest of the morning and early afternoon.
Mid-afternoon, Edwin made another trip to the mouth of Hamburg Cove and returned to Falls Brook, then made a final trip to the mouth of the cove before heading to his usual night spot to the north along Eight Mile River.
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August 12 ~ Edwin spent the morning and early afternoon between the mouth of Hamburg Cove and Falls Brook.
Mid-afternoon, Edwin visited the mouth of Hamburg Cove and a nearby section of the Connecticut River, then returned to Falls Brook for the early evening. He then headed back to his usual night spot further north along Eight Mile River.
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August 13 ~ Edwin spent the morning between Hamburg Cove and it’s confluence with the Connecticut River. Around noon, he visited North Cove, then headed north to a nearby small branch of the Connecticut River.
Mid-afternoon, Edwin returned east to Falls Brook and remained into early evening. He made a final trip to the mouth of Hamburg Cove in the evening, and returned to Falls Brook, then headed to his usual night spot further north along Eight Mile River.
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