August 7 ~ After a night along Eight Mile River in Lyme, Edwin moved to the southern portion of Hamburg Cove in the morning. Mid-morning, he made a trip out of the cove to a nearby section of the Connecticut River, and returned to the northern section of the cove around noon.
Edwin spent the afternoon, mostly between a northern and eastern section of Hamburg Cove with one trip to the lower portion in-between.
In the evening, Edwin visited the lower section of the cove, then returned east, before heading to his usual northern night spot.
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August 8 ~ Early in the morning, Edwin headed south and visited the mouth of Hamburg Cove, then crossed the Connecticut River to North Cove and returned. Upon his return, he headed to the eastern section of the cove and remained along Falls Brook for most of the day.
In the late afternoon and early evening, Edwin made a couple trips back to the mouth of Hamburg Cove and returned to Falls Brook, then headed to his northern night spot along Eight Mile River.
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August 9 ~ Edwin spent the morning in Hamburg Cove, between Eight Mile River to the north and Falls Brook to the east.
In the afternoon and early evening, Edwin made trips between Falls Brook and the mouth of Hamburg Cove, with one reaching further west along the Connecticut River. Mid-evening, he returned to his usual night spot along Eight Mile River to the north in Hamburg Cove.
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