April 3, First Full Day Back: Charlie visited the nest at the West End Transfer Station around 7 a.m., then headed to Mumford Cove in Groton and was back at the nest by 8:30 a.m. He spent the rest of the morning between the nest and Hay Harbor. After noon, he headed back to Groton, then west across the Thames River to Latimer Brook on the East Lyme/Waterford border (2-4 p.m.). In the late afternoon, he headed northeast to Green Swamp Brook in Waterford and continued to Smith Cove (north of the Gold Star Bridge on the Thames River). In the early evening he headed south to Alewife Cove, then stayed at a residential rooftop on Westwood Drive for the night.


April 3 ~ AM on Fishers

April 3 ~ AM on Fishers

[one_half last]

April 3 ~ Mainland

April 3 ~ Mainland
