9/6/14 UPDATE: Charlie’s data was initially lost for a few days, but on Sept 9th we were able to retrieve the full account of the day. Charlie spends the early morning at the trees on Winthrop, then makes trips to Hay Harbor and the western and southern shorelines, and then spends from 11:15 – 11:45 a.m. at a spot near the western shoreline. In the early afternoon, he hunts for food all around the west end shorelines with short breaks at the Winthrop and Beach trees in-between, then spends from 3:30 – 4 p.m. back at the trees on Winthrop. Late in the afternoon, Charlie hunts for food at Hay Harbor, then heads to the trees on Beach around 5 p.m. for the night.


Sept 6 ~ AM Around West End

Sept 6 ~ AM Around West End


Sept 6 ~ Afternoon Shoreline Hunting with Breaks

Sept 6 ~ Afternoon Shoreline Hunting with Breaks

[one_third last]

Sept 6 ~ Night at Trees on Beach

Sept 6 ~ Night at Trees on Beach
