5/12/14    Charlie spends the morning and early afternoon on the west end of Fishers Island making several trips between the nest and shoreline to fish, then around 4 p.m. he heads to the mainland, through Groton to the Thames River and the Gold Star Bridge area, and then returns back to Fishers Island around 5 p.m. He then heads back out for a second trip to reach the Thames River around 6:30 p.m. and returns to the Island by 6:45 p.m. Charlie returns to the nest area before 7:30 p.m. and around 8:30 p.m. heads to his favorite night-time spot in the trees to the northwest.


May 12 ~ Fishers Island

May 12 ~ Fishers Island


May 12 ~ Thames River

May 12 ~ Thames River

[one_third last]

May 12 ~ Night Spot

May 12 ~ Night Spot
