5/11/14 Edwin spends the early morning at Pohegnut Reservoir, then heads north and reaches Ledyard Reservoir before 9 a.m., he then continues north to Rosemond Lake and the Avery Pond area of Preston before 9:30 a.m. before turning southeast towards Lantern Hill and continues south to Old Mystic by way of Whitford Brook, then turns west to reach the Thames River by 11 a.m. but spends some time fishing at Latham Reservoir before crossing the river and heading to Chesterfield and Salem before turning southwest to reach the Selden Neck State Park area of the Connecticut River around 3 p.m. Around 6 p.m. Edwin is just south at the Hamburg Cove area until 8 p.m., when he is at Powers Lake to the east for the night.
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