5/11/14    Around 7:30 a.m. Charlie heads north to Groton and returns to the nest at the west end’s Transfer Station around 9 a.m. Around 10 a.m. he heads to the northern shore for some fishing and then east east to eventually reach Brickyard Pond in the middle of the Island around 10:30 a.m. He then circles back to spend the rest of the morning at the west end. Around 1:15 p.m. Charlie heads north to Groton and continues up the Thames to reach the Gold Star Bridge around 1:45 pm. then circles back to Groton. Around 2:30 p.m. he returns to the nest area on the west end of Fishers Island for the rest of the day.


May 11 ~ Groton

May 11 ~ Groton

[one_half last]

May 11 ~ Fishers Island

May 11 ~ Fishers Island
