4/4/14 By 6:30 am Edwin leaves Pachaug Pond and heads east across Horton Cove on the Thames to Banning Cove in East Lyme by 7:30 am but loops back around to Groton Reservoir by 10:30 am and down to Mumford Cove before heading across the Thames again, back to Banning Cove before noon. He spends the afternoon between Banning Cove and Willys Meadow Brook just to the north in Waterford until around 6 pm, then stays at Willys Meadow Brook for the night.
4/5/14 Edwin heads south to the Banning Cove/Latimer Brook area of East Lyme by 7 am. He spends the day but around 7 pm is at the Niantic River for the night.