Middle Farms Osprey Nest Update: April 2024

The male osprey delivers fish to the nest at Middle Farms during the afternoon of April 22, 2024.

During the first few weeks of April the osprey couple visited the nest often during the daytime to mate, and to tend and defend the nest. They were often seen with tail feathers up in the air – digging out the nest and digging in to create a deep bowl. We believe the first egg was laid around April 21, since the osprey started spending nights on the nest. After that, both male and female osprey took turns incubating the egg, and they continued to mate, so we look forward to seeing multiple chicks by early June. The video clips below capture some of the nest activity for the month of April.

APRIL 12, 2024. The male osprey brings fish, then remains on the nest to do some tending and digs out leaves.

APRIL 15, 2024. After mating prior to this clip, both osprey spend time on nest, defending and tending it.

APRIL 15, 2024. The female osprey delivers nesting material, and is followed by the male. After mating, they both defend the nest.

APRIL 15, 2024. The female osprey delivers a stick to the nest and does some tending.

APRIL 15, 2024. The male osprey delivers a big stick to the nest and does some tending.

APRIL 16, 2024. In this extended clip, the osprey appear to be in distress. One initially lands with seaweed but does not start tending. Soon after another chirps from the camera above. Two minutes into the clip, the osprey leaves the nest with the seaweed and another osprey lands – as a coyote can be seen trotting up the road. The drama continues while the coyote remains in the nearby area and chaos ensues when the female opsrey lowers from camera.

APRIL 16, 2024. After the early morning drama, an osprey returns to fortify the nest.

APRIL 19, 2024. The female osprey lands on the nest, followed by the male looking to scavenge her fish remains.

APRIL 19, 2024. The male osprey defends and tends the nest, then joins the female perched on the rim.

APRIL 22, 2024. In this extended clip, the female osprey first prevents another from landing, then after three minutes she squawks, and the male osprey returns to help guard the nest. The female eventually moves to a nearby pole for a break, while the male takes a turn incubating the egg – after eating some left-overs.

APRIL 22, 2024. After a brief break, the female osprey returns to the nest.

APRIL 22, 2024. After another changing-of-the-guard later that morning, the male osprey squawks and the female soon returns to the nest.

APRIL 22, 2024. The male osprey delivers a fish and takes another turn incubating the egg.

APRIL 24, 2024. The osprey couple continue to mate and take turns at the nest.

We hope you have enjoyed this window into the world of osprey on Fishers Island.