Due to the threat posed by Covid-19 to our island community, the H.L. Ferguson Museum will remain closed to the public until further notice.
The Land Trust trail system throughout the island, which is maintained by the Museum, is currently open for visitors in accordance with new guidelines. (See below for more details.)
For the safety of our employees, we are following Federal, State, and local guidelines. When possible our staff is working from home. Jack Schneider, our Land Trust Steward who is maintaining (now increasingly used) trails, is considered essential staff by the State and is following protocols set about by Dr. Chris Ingram and the Ferry District, commuting only in his car and driving straight to Land Trust areas that need work.
We will present a full schedule of virtual programming to the community throughout the 2020 season, beginning in June, when we also unveil this newly designed website.
Lectures, exhibitions and children’s programs will be offered virtually.
The virtual opening for the 2020 Annual Exhibition, “The Current State of the Coastal Forts of Eastern Long Island Sound: Abandonment, Ruination & Repurposing,” is scheduled for viewing online beginning on Saturday, June 27.
During the summer season the Museum will offer a full range of guest lecturers, in addition to talks given by Director Pierce Rafferty.
There will be an array of children’s virtual programming available as well.
Please sign up for the museum’s e-newsletter to receive updates and program announcements.
You can also follow the Museum on Facebook and Instagram.
The pocket Trail Guide details 10 different nature trails maintained by the Museum. If you would like a copy, please call or email the Museum to arrange for a contact-free pick up. 631-788-7239 or [email protected].
Please follow these guidelines for safe use of the Museum Land Trust trail system.
- Do not visit the Land Trust trails if you feel ill or are exhibiting symptoms of illness.
- Maintain a minimum distance of six feet between persons.
- Do not gather and walk in groups of more than five people.
- Follow CDC’s guidance on personal hygiene prior to and during use of trails.
- Wash your hands, carry hand sanitizer, cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.