On April 2nd, Edwin spent his first night back in Connecticut in Lyme – north of Hamburg Cove, along 8 Mile River (a tributary of the Connecticut River). On the morning of April 3 he headed south towards the Connecticut River and stopped briefly to the west at the mouth of Joshua Creek near Brockway Bar. By noon he had reached the mouth of Mack Creek further to the south near Coults Hole, then headed east and stopped briefly at Smith Cove along the Niantic River. Edwin spent the afternoon at Latimer Brook to the north and his second night back on the left bank of the Niantic River (where he spent a number of nights last summer).


April 2 ~ Eight Mile River

April 2 ~ Eight Mile River


April 3 ~ AM Near CT River

April 3 ~ AM Near CT River

[one_third last]

April 3 ~ Niantic River

April 3 ~ Niantic River
