6/23/14    Around 5:30 a.m., Edwin heads to nearby Gardner Lake and spends most of the morning there and along some smaller streams to the south, such as Whittle Brook and Oxoboxo Brook. Just before 11 a.m., he heads southwest following Fraser Brook and continues southwest to reach Calves Island on the Connecticut River around 11:30 a.m. He then follows the Connecticut River north to spend time in the Selden Neck State Park area from 12-2:45 p.m.


June 23 ~ AM Gardner Lake Area

June 23 ~ AM Gardner Lake Area


June 23 ~ Calves Island

June 23 ~ Calves Island

[one_third last]

June 23 ~ Selden Neck Park

June 23 ~ Selden Neck Park

In the afternoon, Edwin returns to the northeast, reaching Gardner Lake by 3:15 p.m., then heads south to spend time at Barnes Reservoir from 3:45-8 p.m., then returns to Oxoboxo Lake for another night.


June 23 ~ Return to Gardner

June 23 ~ Return to Gardner

[one_half last]

June 23 ~ Barnes Res - Oxoboxo Lake

June 23 ~ Barnes Res – Oxoboxo Lake
