7/13/14    Edwin spends the early morning at Hamburg Cove along the Connecticut River, then heads northwest to the Selden Neck State Park section of the river from 8-10 a.m., then returns to Hamburg Cove. Around noon, he heads just south of the Cove and remains until 3:15 p.m. He then heads further south to Nott Island and the Lord Cove area, then returns north and is back at Hamburg Cove by 5:45 for another night.


July 13 ~ AM Selden Neck State Park

July 13 ~ AM Selden Neck State Park


July 13 ~ Mid Day South of Hamburg Cove

July 13 ~ Mid Day South of Hamburg Cove

[one_third last]

July 13 ~ Late Afternoon Further South & Return

July 13 ~ Late Afternoon Further South & Return
