5/26/14 Before 7 a.m., Edwin heads north from Barnes Reservoir to fish at Gardner Lake between 8-10 a.m. and then heads southeast to Oxoboxo Lake and Wheeler Pond before turning north to reach the Yantic River near RT 2 in Gilman by 11:30 a.m. He then fishes at Gardner Brook to the south in Bozrah from 12-1 p.m. and a small pond in-between from 1-30 p.m., then heads west as far as Savin Lake but after 2 p.m. heads northeast to leave the area reaching as far north as Franklin and heading towards the Shetucket River in Taftville, by way of Bog Meadow Reservoir and Fairview Reservoir in Norwich.
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Edwin reaches the Shetucket River before 3 p.m. and continues east to reach Amos Lake in Preston around 3:30 p.m. and then south to Avery Pond and Long Pond, before heading southwest to fish at Morgan Pond Reservoir and Ledyard Reservoir between 4:15-5:30 p.m. After a couple quick stops to along Great Brook and Latham Reservoir, Edwin reaches Pohegnut Reservoir by 8 p.m. to spend the night in Groton.
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